Home > Vagaries > Doomsday


While such a cliched title is surely out of character, I plead my defense on the grounds that the Principal himself drew a parallel (perhaps unconscious) between the Second Coming and our receiving results. This could also have prompted Daryl Ho’s inscription on the white board:

“Dies iræ! dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Teste David cum Sibylla!”
(From “Dies Iræ”)

Doom, of course, did not begin to approximate the situation for many. If the results were Fate’s, of course, it could be a premise for not studying in the future… Perish the thought!

Congratulations to all who’ve done well! ‘Doing well’ could mean:

  1. High score,
  2. Improvement or otherwise achieving set targets,
  3. Having done whatever was done in preparation for the exams, which may or may not be ‘your best’ depending on how that’s defined, or
  4. Otherwise being content with yourself.

I’m short of completely satisfied with my result only because I’ll always be short of completely satisfied with anything like a grade, in the knowledge that there will always be room for improvement and there’s always more work to be done. (Two letters: ‘I’ & ‘B’.)

So if it’s possible to be reason-ably thankful, then I am. If not, then I’m un-reason-ably thankful. Of course, this whole notion would be self-invalidating according to Thoreau’s detractor. (Caution: SAT Familiarization Program-only reference detected.)

There were unexpected 7s (English) and expected 7s which did not materialize (Chinese), but the result fulfills the above mentioned criteria for ‘doing well’, which could arguably include the first. I should be happy four times over!

Categories: Vagaries
  1. fab
    20 October 2007 at 12:45 am

    Oh yeah you got 39 or something right? Good job! :D

  2. 20 October 2007 at 9:16 am

    pshhhttt, chinese =P

  3. Cuthbert
    20 October 2007 at 10:29 pm


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